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What we stand for

Our Values

Respect of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders

We acknowledge that Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander are the first peoples and have walked this land for millennia.

Opposition to Racism

We believe that all peoples including Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander and non-Indigenous cultures and experiences be respected and are free of racism.

Equality With No Exceptions

We believe that Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples are equal valued citizens. We do not believe in the superiority of one race over another. We believe in strengthening relationships between Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples and non-Indigenous peoples to create outcomes of equality. This includes Closing the Gap targets for those who need it.

Democracy and Constitutional Expression of Democracy

We value democracy as the paramount principle upon which our institutions of governance are based. We value our constitution as the ultimate expression of power in our democratic system and resolutely value that all citizens be treated equally in the constitution.

One Sovereignty, Multiracial Society and Cultural Democracy

We value one national constitutional sovereignty encompassing all peoples. We acknowledge and celebrate that Australia is a multiracial society.  We support cultural democracy. This includes protecting and promoting cultural diversity, and the right to culture for everyone in our society, encouraging active participation in community cultural life; enabling people to participate in policy decisions that affect the quality of their cultural lives; and assuring fair and equal access to cultural resources and support.

Minority Representation

We support enhanced non-constitutional mechanisms for greater representation for minorities, including Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples. We do not support a constitutional power of representation for one particular race.

Promote these VALUES